Unsolicited Mail

National Grid, that monolithic monopoly that is trying to put huge pylons across swathes of beautiful Britain, has just sent out it latest A3 size glossy “Project News” to Somerset householders.  This seems to be part of its second consultation – after the first was shown to be a sham.  However, this seems to be no better, with the company again only presenting overland options for its giant 46 m- high pylons.  These will pass through our Lox Yeo valley, despite it being a protected Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty – and despite them admitting that they have still not included an uncompleted independent report on undersea (the most obvious route) and underground options.
One also cannot but help notice the glossy cover has a great picture of Brent Knoll complete with gliding buzzard.  BEFORE:
How crass, when one considers what this view will actually look like, if the pylons go ahead.  AFTER:

National Grid is a plc quoted on the stock market.  This means that profit for its shareholders is paramount, not what is best for the country as a whole.  Isn’t it odd that an organisation that is supposed to deliver power to all of us issued an index-linked investment bond on 6 October 2011.  This corporate bond will pay a generous inflation-linked rate of interest.  One cannot but conclude that this is another means that National Grid is seeking to buy popularity in advance of its proposals to put giant pylons across many parts of the UK.  Shame on them.
A second item of mail arrived on Friday – an unsolicited copy of the magazine “What Doctors Don’t Tell You” – a review of conventional medicine and safer alternatives.  I hope you never have the dubious pleasure of seeing this rag!  I’m sure that some things in it are fine, but the lack of science and sensationalism  - “Cancer-causing pesticides in your food, garden and home” – are breathtaking.  Have they never heard of ricin, or how pesticides are regulated, or that most are based on natural products?   What takes the biscuit is an advert for a device that, I quote, “creates ‘energised air’ that feeds every cell in your body with oxygen that it can absorb and use more efficiently”.  I could not let this pass without reporting it to the Advertising Standards Authority.


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