Mr. B’s Reading Year No. 2: The Road to Oxiana by Robert Byron (1937)
Chatwin writes the introduction to this travel book, marking this book, written
in 1933, as perhaps the best written travel book ever and bemoaning the loss of
so many sights, smells and experiences to history. Starting in Venice, this is the description
of Byron’s journey to Oxiana, land of the River Oxus on the border between
Afghanistan and Russia, with much time in Persia, today’s Iran. He makes it on to India and ends back at home
in Savernake, near where I went to school, where he cryptically hands his notes
to his mother to see what she makes of it – yes, it was published! What a joy this book is to read. What writing!
His particular interest is in the ancient architecture of the lands he
travels through. Towers, tombs,
triumphal arches, even old cities, as well as mosques and mausoleums are
brought to life, some over 1000 years old.
Along the way, the vistas and people he meets and how they live are
wonderfully described. This must have
been a tough trip to make, from all perspectives. Many people helped him, some hindered,
including the Shah of Persia (not named, except as the nickname Marjoribanks)
and his administration. As ever, the
people continue their lives in spite of their leaders, just as I found in
Tehran in 2010, 77 years later. I too
visited Isfahan and marvelled at the beautiful and wonderfully constructed
mosque of Sheikh Lutfullah near the Blue Mosque and saw the stone polo goal
posts at each end of the parade ground in front. Alas, I suspect many of the monuments Byron
saw are no more, though the best are preserved as World Heritage sites,
including ancient ziggurats. Persia is a romantic, interesting, hard working,
well-educated country that still, after all its changes, deserves better
leadership. One hopes it will happen
soon. Visit if you can. It is worth it. Tragically, Robert Byron was torpedoed off
West Africa in 1941 aged just 36, while working as a correspondent. He published four travel books.
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