Covid-19 in North Somerset: Part 7 - exponential increase?

A month ago, I was suggesting the rates of Covid-19 in North Somerset and Bristol were accelerating.  Data from the government (see: on numbers of cases in the last week has shown a jump in cases again, to well over the rates we saw back in April.  In Bristol, we have seen a doubling of the rate each month since July.  At the moment, the rate is a huge 60 new cases per day, indicating that there may be an exponential increase in cases.  In North Somerset we are seeing 16 new cases per day, more than double our previous highest rate.  The Covid app ( is perhaps indicating that case numbers are stabilising, but clearly the message for all of us around Bristol is to maintain social distancing, wearing masks and hygiene.  The rates currently look linear, rather than exponential, but the jump in case numbers is worrying.


North Somerset:


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