What is happening with Covid-19 in North Somerset? Part 3

The really good news is that the number of daily cases reported on https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/ for North Somerset has reduced markedly – see below.  A little over a week into June and the numbers of cases reported from NHS testing (so-called Pillar 1 data) reduced from nearly 7 new cases a day, to one new case every two days.  From the 2 July, the data reported by government was changed to include all the corona virus testing from independent and other testing (so-called Pillar 1 and 2).  The result was to boost the total of cases from 492 to 905, or from 230 cases per 100000 to 423 cases per 100000.

I have been noting the number of cases in Bristol only since 23 May – see the plot below.  These data indicate rather little change in numbers of new cases.  The change to Pillar1 & 2 numbers moved the numbers from 729 to 1276, or from 157 cases per 100000 to 275 per 100000.  The picture in Bristol is that the absolute number of cases is higher than North Somerset, but the number per 100000 people is well below that of North Somerset.  The only warning note to sound is that  while the number of cases per day in Bristol was less than one (0.9), since the data has included Pillar 2 testing, the rate is now averaging 1.3 cases per day, higher than before. 

That raises the profile of the Covid-19 app (see: https://covid.joinzoe.com/).  PLEASE SIGN UP AND RECORD EVERY DAY, AT ROUGHLY THE SAME TIME.  The data collected from over 3 million citizens can now be used to predict developing hotspots, e.g. Leicester.  Fingers crossed that Bristol is not hotting up!


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