What is happening with Covid-19 in North Somerset? Part 4 – numbers climbing again?
Is Covid-19 in North Somerset climbing again?
The way the number of daily cases reported on https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/ for England was changed on the 2 July to include all the corona virus testing from independent and other testing (so-called Pillar 1 and 2). The adjustment in the total number of cases indicated initially that the number of new cases continued in North Somerset at roughly one new case every other day for the month from mid-June (data points in yellow and blue). There was an adjustment to the data on 19 July because of double counting. Since then the data shown in green has a worrying increase in case numbers, up to 1.2 new cases per day in North Somerset. There is only a week’s worth of data, so may be the rate will drop back, but as lockdown is now easing, we need to be careful. Covid-19 has not gone away and could be increasing.
For the record, the data from Bristol indicates a steady increase in case numbers, averaging 1.5 cases a day, a little higher than North Somerset.
Remember the Covid-19 app (see: https://covid.joinzoe.com/). PLEASE SIGN UP AND RECORD EVERY DAY, AT ROUGHLY THE SAME TIME. The data collected from over 4 million citizens can now be used to predict developing hotspots, e.g. Leicester.
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